The table of contents for Volume 6 Number 3, September 2016 of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences is now available.
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In this issue:
Original Paper
Adapting to dangerous climate change: implications for studies of politics, policy, and beyond
Original Paper
Service-learning: a tool to create social capital for collaborative natural resource management
Original Paper
Green cities and ivory towers: how do higher education sustainability initiatives shape millennials’ consumption practices?
Original Paper
Have you got what it takes? Looking at skills and needs of the modern marine conservation practitioner
Original Paper
How participatory planning processes for transit-oriented development contribute to social sustainability
Sonya Remington-Doucette: sustainable world approaches to analyzing and resolving wicked problems
Editorial Notes
Toxic chemicals: environmental impact, regulation, controversy, and education: editor’s introduction
Original Paper
Analyzing patterns of community interest at a legacy mining waste site to assess and inform environmental health literacy efforts
Original Paper
Scientific contestations over “toxic trespass”: health and regulatory implications of chemical biomonitoring
Original Paper
Challenges and opportunities in stimulating public awareness and engagement on US chemicals policy
Original Paper
Preparation of environmental studies and sciences students to participate in the environmental risk dialogue
Original Paper
Toxic Release! The role of educational games in teaching and learning about hazardous pollution
Original Paper
The mercury game: evaluating a negotiation simulation that teaches students about science-policy interactions
Brief Communication
Public engagement for environmental sustainability in a technological age: introduction to a symposium