Volume 12, issue 3, September 2022

22 articles in this issue

  1. Assessing the quantity and toxicity of chemical releases from TRI facilities in Upstate New York

    Authors (first, second and last of 4)

    • Amanda T. Charette
    • Dustin T. Hill
    • Jaime E. Mirowsky
    • Content type:Original Article
    • Published: 31 March 2022
    • Pages: 417 – 429
  2. Shades of green: environmental action in places of worship


    • Charles Caldwell
    • Natalie Probstein
    • Tanhum Yoreh
    • Content type:Research Article
    • Published: 15 April 2022
    • Pages: 430 – 452
  3. Conveying environmental information to fishers: a smartphone application on marine protected areas

    Authors (first, second and last of 9)

    • Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
    • Andrea Rocchi
    • Clara Cicatiello
    • Content type:Original Article
    • Published: 18 January 2022
    • Pages: 453 – 465
  4. Environmental safety of residents of Yakutsk and Zhatay: evidence from sociological research

    Authors (first, second and last of 8)

    • Olga Krivoshapkina
    • Alexandra Yakovleva
    • Ol’ga Kunickaya
    • Content type:Original Article
    • Published: 07 May 2022
    • Pages: 566 – 576
  5. Regional scale analysis of land cover dynamics in Kerala over last two decades through MODIS data and statistical techniques


    • Vijith H.
    • Ninu Krishnan MV.
    • Alhassan Sulemana
    • Content type:Original Article
    • Published: 17 May 2022
    • Pages: 577 – 593
  6. Stakeholder mapping and promotion of Sustainable Development Goals in local management


    • Abril Catzín-Tamayo
    • Oscar Frausto-Martínez
    • Lucinda Arroyo-Arcos
    • Content type:Review Article
    • Published: 12 April 2022
    • Pages: 611 – 626


Note: AESS Members receive full access to JESS. If you would like to become a member to access JESS, join today!

To submit a piece for publication, review guidelines.


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AESS Announces New JESS Editor in Chief

The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences announces the appointment of the new Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Environmental Studies and SciencesDr. Teresa Lloro, following a competitive international search that attracted highly qualified candidates.  The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (JESS), the flagship journal of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), was established in 2010. JESS is published by Springer, part of Springer Nature.  The journal offers a venue for relevant interdisciplinary environmental research, practice and public policy dialogue.

Dr. Lloro is an Associate Professor in the Liberal Studies Department and is an Affiliated Faculty with the Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies, at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.  Her degrees include a B.S. Biology, University of Redlands, USA, M.S. in Environmental Studies, California State University, Fullerton, USA and a PhD in Education, Society, and Culture, University of California, Riverside, USA.  She resides in Southern California, USA.

Dr. Lloro has shared the following biography and message:

“I am an Associate Professor at Cal Poly Pomona, a large public university in Los Angeles County, California that serves a diverse student body. As an interdisciplinary activist-scholar with interests in food justice, activism, and urban agriculture, I work closely with a grassroots community organization that endeavors to change the local food system in a suburb of Los Angeles that has been deeply impacted by systemic poverty and racism, as well as other structural inequalities. I do this work by volunteering with the organization in a variety of capacities, as well as through systematically collecting qualitative and historical data that I analyze through an intersectional feminist lens, with a specific focus on care. I embed my research and activism into my teaching through collaborating with community partners, other faculty, and students to create projects that include documentary filmmaking, practical farming experiences, building a free community seed exchange to establish seed sovereignty, and empirically studying how farmers develop and maintain soil care practices. The California Humanities, Cal Poly Pomona, and the Cooperative Gardens Commission have all supported my work.

In addition to publishing in numerous journals and edited book collections, I have published two books, Animals in Environmental Education: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Curriculum and Pedagogy (co-edited with Valerie Banschbach) and Animal Edutainment in a Neoliberal Era: Politics, Pedagogy, and Practice in the Contemporary Aquarium. From 2015-2019, I was a member of AESS’s Executive Board and have served as an Associate Editor of JESS since 2015. In 2018, I was the inaugural recipient of AESS’s Early Career Award.

I am very excited to be the new Editor-in-Chief of AESS’s flagship journal. I look forward to the opportunity to work with the entire ESS community to strategize new ways JESS can be a platform for diverse voices and perspectives, particularly those that have been historically marginalized in the ESS.”

We, on the AESS Board, hope you will give Teresa a warm welcome as she transitions into the role of EiC, with founding Editor-in-Chief Tony Rosenbaum’s support.

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Position Announcement

Advertisement for JESS Editor-in-Chief

The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, the flagship journal of the Association of  Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), is seeking an Editor-in-Chief. Established in 2010,  JESS is published by Springer, part of Springer Nature. The journal offers a venue for relevant  interdisciplinary environmental research, practice and public policy dialogue. In addition to  setting a rigorous, credible standard for interdisciplinary environmental research, the journal also  aims to represent diverse voices in the ESS community. Toward this end, recent initiatives  include a new “essays with attitude” op/ed section and plans for an undergraduate research section. The journal has a high standard for publication and an international readership,  publication record, and editorial board. 

AESS seeks to appoint an Editor-in-Chief (EiC) to succeed Walter (Tony) Rosenbaum, the  founding EiC who will be retiring from the journal in September of 2021. The position for the new EiC will commence June 1, 2021 to provide overlap between the new EiC and Emeritus EiC  for transition mentoring. 

The newly appointed EiC will have full editorial responsibility for the content published in the  journal and for ensuring that the ethos, editorial standards, policies and scope of JESS are  maintained. They will also be responsible for providing strategic guidance and overseeing the  scope of content and work of 26 Associate Editors. The EiC will lead an Editorial Board of 30 members and collaborate closely with the AESS Board. The AESS board expects the EiC to have  a strong presence in the organization, contributing to the Annual Conference, attending monthly  board meetings as an ex officio representative of JESS, and chairing the AESS Publications  Committee. 

While no single candidate is likely to exemplify all of the following characteristics, we are seeking an EiC who is: 

  • An active scholar with publishing experience situated in one or more areas of the fields of environmental studies and sciences. 
  • Experienced as a journal editor, associate editor, or special issue editor, with strong  critical analysis and appraisal skills, and a good understanding of peer review and publication ethics. 
  • Prepared to help JESS realize the goals of AESS with respect to equity and inclusion.  The EiC must understand strategies for mitigating biases against scholars based on their gender, race, ethnicity, institutional type, and other factors that have led to  marginalization, historically, in ESS.  
  • Able to demonstrate strong leadership and collaboration skills.  
  • Able to articulate a clear vision for JESS consistent with the interdisciplinary mission of AESS. 
  • Interested in building strong community relationships with environmental studies and  science scholars and practitioners at all levels.  
  • Dedicated to further developing JESS as a leader in the rapidly evolving landscapes of interdisciplinary scholarly journal publishing and of the fields of ESS. 

In addition, although the publisher provides administrative services, the EiC must be able to dedicate a significant amount of time on a regular basis to a busy and thriving journal. See the  position description for details of the work. 

Term of appointment 

The term of office will be for five years, with an option for renewal by mutual consent for a  further term. The position offers an honorarium. 


Applications should include a full CV, a letter explaining interest in the position and  qualifications, and a separate document that outlines a vision for the future of JESS, in relation to  the AESS mission and to the increasingly open-access environment of scholarly publishing.  

Applications should be sent to the JESS Search Committee at: 

Applications will be reviewed by a Search Committee that will recommend the candidate for hire  to the AESS Board. The Search Committee consists of the AESS leadership, Board members,  and two Associate Editors of JESS. Tony Rosenbaum (JESS Editor-in-Chief) and Melinda Paul  (Springer Publishing Editor JESS) are ex officio advisors to the Committee. The AESS Board  will make the final selection of the EiC. 

Closing date for applications 

April 15, 2021 

Interviews and start date 

Interviews will begin in early May. The anticipated start date of the position is June 1, 2021. 

AESS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, sexual  orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, disability, or veteran status in its  education or employment programs or activities.

Position Description pdf

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In this issue:

  1. Articles with Attitude
    The ambiguity of environmental disasters
    Peter R. Mulvihill
  2. Commentary and Opinion
    Commentary: integrating environmental DNA into applied ecological practice
    Jennifer Petruniak, Douglas Bradley… Robert H. Hanner
  3. Original Article
    Making the board: participatory game design for environmental action
    Katherine Ball, Kirk Jalbert, & Lisa Test
  4. Original Article
    Climate change perception, vulnerability, and readiness: inter-country variability and emerging patterns in Latin America
    Gabriela Azócar, Marco Billi … Anahí Urquiza
  5. Research Article
    Heterogeneity, trust and common-pool resource management
    Fijnanda van Klingeren & Nan Dirk de Graaf
  6. Original Article
    A gendered lens to self-evaluated and actual climate change knowledge
    Batanai Sammie, Elvis Mupfiga … Raymond Mugandani
  7. Articles with attitude
    Narrow pasts and futures: how frames of sustainability transformation limit societal change
    Janina Priebe, Erland Mårald, & Annika Nordin
  8. Original Article
    Community obstacles to large scale solar: NIMBY and renewables
    Sandra George O’Neil
  9. Original Article
    The Grand Concepts of Environmental Studies Boundary objects between disciplines and policymakers
    Jakob Lundgren
  10. Original Article
    Sustaining future environmental educators: building critical interdisciplinary teaching capacity among graduate students
    Diana Denham, Mary Ann Rozance … Erin Goodling
  11. Research Article
    A study of faculty perceptions and engagement with interdisciplinary research in university sustainability institutes
    Paul Bolger
  12. Original Article
    Narratives of place: critical reflections on place-making in the curriculum of environmental studies and sciences (ESS)
    Gabriel R. Valle
  13. Environmental Education
    Student representations and conceptions of ecological versus social sciences in a conservation course
    Amanda E. Sorensen, Jeffrey Brown … Jenny M. Dauer
  14. Correction
    Correction to: Student representations and conceptions of ecological versus socialsciences in a conservation course
    Amanda E. Sorensen, Jeffrey Brown … Jenny M. Dauer
  15. Book Review
    John Boehnert. Zoning the oceans: the next big step in coastal zone management
    Richard Smardon
  16. Book Review
    Karen D. Holl. Primer of Ecological Restoration
    Donald J. Leopold
  17. Book Review
    Ortwin Renn, Frank Ulmer, and Anna Deckert (eds.). The Role of Public Participation in Energy Transitions
    Richard C. Smardon
  18. Correction
    Correction to: A framework for teaching socio-environmental problem-solving
    Cynthia A. Wei, Michael L. Deaton … William R. Burnside

Note: AESS Members receive full access to JESS. If you would like to become a member to access JESS, join today!

To submit a piece for publication, review guidelines.


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Call for papers: environmental advocacy

The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, produced quarterly by the international publisher Springer Nature, is looking to publish a collection of articles about current environmental advocacy.  We invite you to submit a manuscript for consideration among these selected articles.  We encourage manuscripts focused on the research, teaching, or application of advocacy concerning

  • climate change

  • biodiversity conservation

  • energy transition

  • environmental justice

  • environmental education 

  • toxics pollution

Articles may be original research, commentary, book reviews, and case studies. Contributions are welcome from scholars, educators, policy practitioners, policy advocates and students. 

Please include on the title page “For the Symposium on Environmental Advocacy.”

Manuscripts are due by October 31, 2020.

Please submit your manuscript at the journal website, Read the “Submission Guidelines” and follow the instructions provided for new authors. 

If you’d like to send an abstract before submitting a manuscript, editors would be happy to give you feedback. Please email at the addresses below.

Clara Fang
Symposium Editor

Walter Rosenbaum
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences

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JESS Festschrift to honor Monty Hempel

New Deadline –

Call for Papers and Media Contributions: Special Edition of Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences to Honor Lamont (Monty) Hempel 

A festschrift to honor the life of Dr. Lamont (Monty) Hempel will be published in the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences in Summer/Fall 2021. The volume will include 15-20 peer-reviewed articles. We welcome contributions on subjects related to Monty’s personal and professional interests, including: 

  • Environmental media and communication; 
  • Environmental politics, policy, and governance; 
  • Experiential environmental education; 
  • Sustainability; and, 
  • The Anthropocene – climate change, biodiversity and other aspects 

Appropriate contributions include research articles; review articles synthesizing scholarship in relevant areas; articles addressing to implications of research and scholarship to environmental policy, governance and politics; and, non-text contributions. Non-text contributions may include video and images related to Monty Hempel’s work on environmental documentaries and his use of art to communicate and inspire understanding and appreciation of environmental issues. 

On December 4, 2019, Monty Hempel, Hedco Chair in Environmental Studies and the Director of the Center for Environmental Studies at the University of Redlands, passed away following a brief illness. Monty was an innovative interdisciplinary scholar, educator, mentor, and talented documentary filmmaker. His scholarship focused on environmental science, governance and politics, communication, and experiential education, emphasizing climate disruption and marine environmental protection. 

Monty Hempel served as the first president of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) and as a member of the executive committee of the national Council of Environmental Deans and Directors (CEDD). His pragmatic idealism and personal modesty belied his significant achievements over more than four decades. 

Please submit for consideration Abstracts (required) of at least 250 words to Dr. Peter Saundry, Johns Hopkins University, by September 17, 2020. Articles should consist of approximately 4,000 – 9,000 words (before references) and conform to guidelines in the journal’s “Submission Guidelines” found at the journal’s website, Completed first drafts of articles must be received by November 19, 2020 to begin the peer review process. 

Dr. Lamont (Monty) Hempel Festschrift Editorial Committee: Peter Saundry (Chief Editor), David Blockstein (AESS Senior Adviser), Wil Burns (American University), Tony Rosenbaum (University of Florida), Kimberly Smith (Carleton College)

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JESS Issue Alert

Table of Contents for the March 2018 issue of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.

In this issue:


Note: AESS Members receive full access to JESS. If you would like to become a member to access JESS, join today!

To submit a piece for publication, review guidelines.

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JESS Issue Release

Announcing the March 2017 issue of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.

A sampling of the Table of Contents can be found below. View full list.

Note: AESS Members receive full access to JESS. If you would like to become a member to access JESS, join today!

To submit a piece for publication, review guidelines.

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JESS Issue Release

Announcing the December 2016 issue of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.

Below are a few of the articles you will find in this issue:

Goodsite, M. E., Bertelsen, R. G., Cassotta Pertoldi-Bianchi, S., Ren, J., van der Watt, L.-M., & Johannsson, H. (2016). The role of science diplomacy: a historical development and international legal framework of arctic research stations under conditions of climate change, post-cold war geopolitics and globalization/power transition. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(4), 645-661. doi:10.1007/s13412-015-0329-6 

The lead essay identifies and assesses the science diplomatic role of Arctic research stations. It explores three questions on the science diplomacy role and international legal framework of research stations in an Arctic characterized by transformation driven by climate change, post-Cold War geopolitics and globalization/ power transition. Arctic research stations play the role of diplomatic “intermediaries” bridging science, geopolitics and globalization. At least in the case of the USA, the primary motivation for establishing research stations in the Arctic has shifted from military security purposes (especially surveillance) to stations having broader mandates, related to environmental security, with climate change as a main driver. From an international law perspective, there is a need to have a stronger regulation on the interconnection between science and law clarifying the role of research stations to ensure that research stations are used effectively for peaceful purposes. The role of stations in the Arctic can become a constructive example to address issues of the nexus between climate change, science diplomacy, geopolitics, law and globalization that is shaping the future of the Arctic in the coming years. Stations have, in many cases, and will continue to reinforce international cooperation and collaboration through international research initiatives and programs. Results of the 2016 US election and the actual current geo-political environment underscore their relevance and the importance of continue to explore the three questions and other issues around the role of science diplomacy.

Bratman, E., Brunette, K., Shelly, D. C., & Nicholson, S. (2016). Justice is the goal: divestment as climate change resistance. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(4), 677-690. doi:10.1007/s13412-016-0377-6

This article explores campus fossil fuel divestment as a movement that politically engages resistance to the actions, forces, and structures that are producing climate change. Through re-politicizing sustainability, the divestment movement creates new challenges to traditional power structures and offers new modes and frameworks for environmental action. The case study in this paper explores the Fossil Free American University campaign and deploys an auto-ethnographic approach to understand specific elements including the place of climate justice, radical perspectives, and inside-outside strategies informed the campaign. We argue that the campus fossil fuel divestment movement holds potential to change the university’s expressed values from complicity with fossil fuel economies toward an emergent paradigm of climate justice. As a form of ecological resistance, the campus divestment movement approaches the political economy of fossil fuel exploitation as the foundation for shifting the paradigm of climate change discourse and action.

Linquiti, P., & Cogswell, N. (2016). The Carbon Ask: effects of climate policy on the value of fossil fuel resources and the implications for technological innovation. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(4), 662-676. doi:10.1007/s13412-016-0397-2 

Linquiti and Cogswell compute the Carbon Ask – the reduction in wealth that will be experienced by the global fossil fuel enterprise as the result of policies to limit global warming – at $185 trillion. The fossil fuel enterprise is not just big multinational oil and gas companies, but also includes the governments, investors, firms, and workers who explore for, produce, transport, distribute, and sell oil, natural gas, and coal. Common sense suggests that when the holders of $185 trillion in wealth are asked to surrender it for the greater good of the planet, they will have powerful incentives to resist a strong climate policy. To the extent they also hold political power, they may be able to impede progress. Accordingly, they speculate that if climate advocates continue to push tough carbon policies, then the political fights in America’s coal country are probably a harbinger of things to come in all fossil fuel industries. Transitional assistance to workers, communities, and possibly even firms, could not only improve the welfare of those entities on the receiving end of the Carbon Ask, it might also temper political opposition to climate policy.

Professor of Political Science
University of Central Florida
Note: AESS Members receive full access to JESS. If you would like to become a member to access JESS, join today!
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JESS Update

JESS December 2016 Table of Contents Released

JESS CoverThe Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences table of contents have been released for Volume 6 Number 4. Access the list online. Members will have full access to the articles upon publication. Not a member? Join today!

The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (JESS) is the official publication of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS). The Journal is issued quarterly (March, June, September and December) by Springer Publications. Members receive free electronic access while hard copies can be ordered for an additional fee.

We invite all members and non-members to submit articles for the Journal. The Journal provides a peer-reviewed, academically rigorous and professionally recognized forum for the publication of explicitly interdisciplinary environmental research, policy analysis and advocacy, educational discourse and other related matters. Contributions are welcome from any discipline or combination of disciplines, any vocation or professional affiliation, any national, ethnic or cultural background. Articles may relate to any historical and global setting.

The Journal provides several submission categories:

  • Research and Theory
  • Research Briefs
  • Environmental Education
  • Policy Analysis
  • Commentary and Opinion
  • Book Reviews and Review Articles
  • Special Issues and Symposia
  • Letters

Additional information about submissions and instructions for authors are available at the Journal website.

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