AESS Annual Elections
Voting is open to AESS members only. Nominations are collected during the fall/winter and elections open in the spring. If you have questions about serving, please contact the AESS Nominations Committee Chair, Karin Warren,
Candidates will be asked to supply a statement: In 300 words or fewer, Why are you running for an elected AESS position? Please describe: 1) Any experience you have serving in AESS or other professional associations relevant to the position(s) you are interested in running for, and 2) how your experiences, professional work, and/or identities inform your commitment to the diversity, equity, and inclusion of AESS members.
If you would like to serve in another capacity, please noted that we have open committee positions and accept volunteers year-round. Please complete our form, and a committee chair will reach out to you.
Nominations for candidates are open. Submit through March 1, 2025.
Roles and Responsibilities for leadership positions
The President-elect shall serve as President-Elect, President, and Past-President totaling a three year term.
In the absence of the President or in the event of his or her inability to act, the President-Elect shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions on, the President. The President-Elect shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be specified in these Bylaws or assigned by the Board.
The President shall act as the chief executive officer of the Corporation and chairperson of the Board, shall generally supervise the affairs and activities of the Corporation, and shall keep the Board fully informed of such affairs and activities. Working in conjunction with the President-Elect and Secretary, the President shall be responsible for maintaining and keeping current (1) the Articles of Incorporation, which shall serve as the guiding document and statement of purpose for the Corporation; (2) the Bylaws, which identify the procedures by which the Corporation performs its business; and (3) the Corporation’s Policies, as enacted by the Board, which shall be compiled and organized by substantive and functional categories, rather than chronologically. The President shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be specified in these Bylaws or assigned by the Board.
Immediate Past-President:
The Immediate Past President shall shall act as support to the Board, retain voting rights, and manage the Circle of Fellows program. The Past President shall have other such powers and perform other such duties as may be specified in the Bylaws or assigned by the Board.
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall:
(a) keep or supervise the keeping of complete and accurate books and records of account of the properties and business transactions of the Corporation, including accounts of the Corporation’s assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains and losses;
(b) submit regular financial reports to the Board, which shall be distributed to the membership;
(c) receive all incomes of the Corporation with the exception of those specifically excluded by the Board;
(d) deposit the Corporation’s funds in such depositaries as may be determined by the Board or otherwise invest the Corporation’s funds as may be determined by the Board; and
(e) have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be specified in these Bylaws or assigned by the Board.
Board Members:
Board Members serve for two-year terms. Board members are primarily responsible for representing the interests of the AESS community during board meetings and to the public, and for managing the activities and affairs of AESS. In practice, this means making decisions about key policy matters (like approving the budget for the conference, all other financial matters, etc) and providing support for day-to-day AESS operations.
Candidates were asked:
In 300 words or fewer, Why are you running for an elected AESS position? Please describe: 1) Any experience you have serving in AESS or other professional associations relevant to the position(s) you are interested in running for, and 2) how your experiences, professional work, and/or identities inform your commitment to the diversity, equity, and inclusion of AESS members.
Nominations committee:
This committee is responsible for recruiting and nominating candidates for the elected offices of AESS. In identifying candidates for positions, the Nominations Committee seeks to assure the representation of the Association’s diversity of membership, in terms of age, gender, racial, and ethnic background, substantive interest, field of work, type of employing institutions, and other considerations. In practice, this means actively identifying and working with potential candidates and building an elections slate every spring.
Download a copy of the position descriptions doc.