Advancement of Environmental Studies & Sciences

AESS does a lot with a little… but we’d like to do more.

Our 2022 campaign was able to offset the cost of traveling and attending AESS+ASLE 2023 for 12 individuals!

This year, we hope to achieve the same goals of supporting the ESS community by raising funds to help with professional development programming, rising operation costs, membership assistance requests and attendance assistance for our next conference.

Being part of a professional membership association like AESS can make a huge difference in one’s career.

How your donations help:

$40 covers the cost of a student membership
$60 offsets a membership assistance request*
$100 covers the cost of student conference registration
$1000 offsets annual bookkeeping and tax filing preparation required by the IRS to remain in good standing as a registered 501c3

*Spring 2022 through fall 2023, AESS granted 22 requests for membership assistance.

Thank you for continuing to make a transformative difference by expanding opportunities for students, young professionals, self-employed individuals and those who have limited or no access to funding support.

For additional giving options, such as corporate sponsorships or special individual contributions, please contact the AESS Managing Director

Thank you for your generosity. Every donation makes a difference!

All donors will be acknowledged where applicable. If you wish to remain anonymous in print or donate in memory of someone, please note this during checkout.

The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) is a non-profit organization (Taxpayer ID #27-4841089) with tax-exempt status granted under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. There are a number of tax-advantaged giving opportunities available that enable you to help AESS while maximizing the deductions available to you for your contribution. Please consult your tax advisor.