AESS News Bulletins

JESS Issue Release

Announcing the December 2016 issue of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.

Below are a few of the articles you will find in this issue:

Goodsite, M. E., Bertelsen, R. G., Cassotta Pertoldi-Bianchi, S., Ren, J., van der Watt, L.-M., & Johannsson, H. (2016). The role of science diplomacy: a historical development and international legal framework of arctic research stations under conditions of climate change, post-cold war geopolitics and globalization/power transition. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(4), 645-661. doi:10.1007/s13412-015-0329-6 

The lead essay identifies and assesses the science diplomatic role of Arctic research stations. It explores three questions on the science diplomacy role and international legal framework of research stations in an Arctic characterized by transformation driven by climate change, post-Cold War geopolitics and globalization/ power transition. Arctic research stations play the role of diplomatic “intermediaries” bridging science, geopolitics and globalization. At least in the case of the USA, the primary motivation for establishing research stations in the Arctic has shifted from military security purposes (especially surveillance) to stations having broader mandates, related to environmental security, with climate change as a main driver. From an international law perspective, there is a need to have a stronger regulation on the interconnection between science and law clarifying the role of research stations to ensure that research stations are used effectively for peaceful purposes. The role of stations in the Arctic can become a constructive example to address issues of the nexus between climate change, science diplomacy, geopolitics, law and globalization that is shaping the future of the Arctic in the coming years. Stations have, in many cases, and will continue to reinforce international cooperation and collaboration through international research initiatives and programs. Results of the 2016 US election and the actual current geo-political environment underscore their relevance and the importance of continue to explore the three questions and other issues around the role of science diplomacy.

Bratman, E., Brunette, K., Shelly, D. C., & Nicholson, S. (2016). Justice is the goal: divestment as climate change resistance. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(4), 677-690. doi:10.1007/s13412-016-0377-6

This article explores campus fossil fuel divestment as a movement that politically engages resistance to the actions, forces, and structures that are producing climate change. Through re-politicizing sustainability, the divestment movement creates new challenges to traditional power structures and offers new modes and frameworks for environmental action. The case study in this paper explores the Fossil Free American University campaign and deploys an auto-ethnographic approach to understand specific elements including the place of climate justice, radical perspectives, and inside-outside strategies informed the campaign. We argue that the campus fossil fuel divestment movement holds potential to change the university’s expressed values from complicity with fossil fuel economies toward an emergent paradigm of climate justice. As a form of ecological resistance, the campus divestment movement approaches the political economy of fossil fuel exploitation as the foundation for shifting the paradigm of climate change discourse and action.

Linquiti, P., & Cogswell, N. (2016). The Carbon Ask: effects of climate policy on the value of fossil fuel resources and the implications for technological innovation. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 6(4), 662-676. doi:10.1007/s13412-016-0397-2 

Linquiti and Cogswell compute the Carbon Ask – the reduction in wealth that will be experienced by the global fossil fuel enterprise as the result of policies to limit global warming – at $185 trillion. The fossil fuel enterprise is not just big multinational oil and gas companies, but also includes the governments, investors, firms, and workers who explore for, produce, transport, distribute, and sell oil, natural gas, and coal. Common sense suggests that when the holders of $185 trillion in wealth are asked to surrender it for the greater good of the planet, they will have powerful incentives to resist a strong climate policy. To the extent they also hold political power, they may be able to impede progress. Accordingly, they speculate that if climate advocates continue to push tough carbon policies, then the political fights in America’s coal country are probably a harbinger of things to come in all fossil fuel industries. Transitional assistance to workers, communities, and possibly even firms, could not only improve the welfare of those entities on the receiving end of the Carbon Ask, it might also temper political opposition to climate policy.

Professor of Political Science
University of Central Florida
Note: AESS Members receive full access to JESS. If you would like to become a member to access JESS, join today!
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AESS 2017 Conference Theme

2017 Conference Theme Announced

AESS is pleased to announce the theme for our 9th annual conference:

2017 Theme, Environment, Wellness, Community

AESS 2017 Conference Theme


And with this announcement, a challenge from AESS president David Hassenzahl:

Soon, the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) will issue a call for proposals for the June 21 – 24 AESS Conference in Tucson. Our theme this year is Environment, Wellness, and Community. I encourage all of you to begin conversations around this theme before we get to Tucson, and continue those conversations afterwards.

Interdisciplinarity is a foundational AESS principle, but is not a goal per se. Rather, working across disciplines is what we must do when important questions cannot be answered by a single discipline. But to effectively address “environment, wellness, and community,” even working across disciplines is likely to be inadequate and unsatisfying. At AESS 2017 I look forward to presentations, papers, posters, panels, and performances that explore how AESS can engage AND BE ENGAGED BY communities whose wellbeing is impacted by environmental conditions.

I challenge AESS to explore how we can broaden our conception of environmental wellbeing by considering:

  • Who poses questions and establishes research agendas?
  • Who provides, synthesizes, and shares information?
  • Who generates and evaluates solutions?
  • Do our answers to the three questions above represent a just approach to environment, wellness, and community?

Please engage in this exploration through the AESS listserve, at the site, and at our Facebook page by suggesting topics, seeking collaborators, and extending (or counterchallenging) my list.

I also welcome suggestions for keynotes and plenary sessions, and as always welcome AESS volunteers!

Calls for proposals will come out in the fall. If you would like to receive updates about this conference, please sign up for email updates below.

NOTE: AESS Members will receive updates to their account email, as long as they have opted in to receive correspondence from us. All conference details will be shared with the listserv members, too.

[email-subscribers namefield=”YES” desc=”AESS 2017 Conference Updates” group=”AESS Conference”]

Conference sponsorship opportunities will be available for both groups and individual donors. Look for a future announcement with details.

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JESS New Issue Alert


The table of contents for Volume 6 Number 3, September 2016 of the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences is now available.

To get full access, become a member of AESS today.

In this issue:

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Closing Keynote

Sociologist and Best-Selling Author James W. Loewen ​Announced as Closing Keynote

jwlcolProfessor, sociologist, and best-selling author of the award-winning book Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your High School History Textbook Got WrongJames W. Loewen has been invited to deliver the closing keynote speech for the 8th annual conference of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences.

Loewen is known as a sociologist and researcher who continues to study how Americans remember their past—especially as it helps shape their future​. His accolades include the American Book Award, the Oliver Cromwell Cox Award for Distinguished Anti-Racist Scholarship, and the Spirit of America Award.

Loewen’s closing speech promises to address the relationship between real and complete knowledge, critical thinking and genuine social and environmental progress.

The closing speech will be given Saturday, June 11, 2016 at American University in Washington, DC. See the AESS Conference Agenda for time and location details and Register Today for a chance to attend this event!

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JESS Special Issue

Open Access to JESS Special Edition for March Issue

from JESS Editor-in-Chief Tony Rosenbaum:

The Journal of Environmental Studies (JESS) is pleased to announce that articles concerning the Food, Energy Water Nexus will be available online and accessible to all readers until April 23, 2016. This Special Issue features selected presentations from the 16th National Conference and Global Forum on Science, Policy and the Environment, sponsored by the National Center for Science and the Environment (NCSE) in January 2016, from related NSF workshops, and from other endeavors supported, among others, by NSF, USDA, NASA, the US Forest Service, NOAA, the US Geological Survey, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Papers are open access at the journal’s website. The conference, engaging approximately 1200 individuals from diverse disciplines and sectors, explored opportunities and challenges in applying science at the Food, Energy, Water Nexus. Papers in this issue assess the nature of human and scientific challenges raised by considering food, energy, and water systems together at scales from cities, to aquifers and river basins, to the entire globe. Many of the papers identify research agendas or address specific critical research challenges such as identifying appropriate questions, developing and using analytical tools, spatial computing, sensing and monitoring, and defining metrics at appropriate scales.

Additional papers address important environmental challenges at the nexus, such as resilience and human adaptations, engineering, infrastructure, sustainable ecosystems, nutrients, aquifer depletion, public values, mediating human conflicts, sustainable energy systems, engineering solutions, and integrative systems management. One paper argues persuasively for advancing a “Community of Practice” that develops the cross-cutting tools and skills for those working on the very diverse set of initiatives described in this issue. It is appropriate after reviewing so many challenges that the issue ends with a commentary providing “A Positive Vision of Sustainability.”



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AESS 2016 Keynote Speaker Announced

Photo OpaleVisionary economist Jeremy Rifkin will keynote the 8th annual Conference for the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences

Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends and advisor to the European Union on issues related to the economy, climate change, and energy security, will be joined by a host of other speakers to address this year’s event, which will take place June 8-11 in Washington, D.C.

Well-versed on the impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, the workforce, society, and the environment, Rifkin is the bestselling author of twenty books. His latest book, The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism, uncovers a paradox at the heart of capitalism that growing environmental and other resources will require a much more collaborative society if we are to maintain a robust economy. Rifkin is also the principle architect of the European Union’s Third Industrial Revolution (TIR) sustainability plan and is the President of the TIR Consulting Group, LLC.

No commercial use. Credit "European Parliament/Pietro Naj-Oleari"

No commercial use.
Credit “European Parliament/Pietro Naj-Oleari”

In addition to Rifkin, the association has invited speakers such as professor and sociologist James W. Loewen, author of the lively book critique, Lies My Teacher Told Me, and attorney Patricia J. Beneke, who is the Director and Regional Representative of the United Nations Environment Programmes Regional Office for North America.

The conference will be held on the campus of American University, and will also include workshops, local site visits, panels, presentations and student poster sessions. The conference is the largest annual event held by AESS, attracting attendees from all over North America as well as from nearly every continent.

Information on workshops and registration for the conference can be found by visiting 

AESS, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization, serves faculty, students, and staff of the 1000+ interdisciplinary environmental programs as well as professionals in environmental fields across North America and around the world. The annual meeting offers opportunities for attendees to develop interdisciplinary understanding of environmental science, policy, management, ethics, history and all other vital contributions of traditional disciplines.

The conference is sponsored by Johns Hopkins University Advanced Academic Programs, Pace University, Global Environmental Politics at American University, and generously supported by other organizations including Chatham University, Cornell University Press, IES Abroad, and Project Learning Tree. To learn more about sponsoring or exhibiting, visit our website.

Registration is open! An early bird rate of $340 per person (full) $190 (single day), $135 (full student) and $80 (single day student) is available until Friday, April 1, 2016.

Learn more about AESS by visiting our website, and follow us on Twitter or Facebook. For more information about the conference, contact AESS Program Coordinator


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JESS December Issue

The December 2015 issue of The Journal of Environmental Studies and Science includes the second Symposium on ‘Food System Resilience,’ a collection of fourteen articles which explore the national and global implications of food supply, scarcity, and strategies to create greater food security from a variety of different interdisciplinary environmental perspectives.

From the JESS Editorial staff:

  • A discussion by James Ward of the claim that urban agriculture (UA) reduces food costs and therefore has a role in improving household resilience during economic hardship. Using linear programming, he addresses the gap between claims and reality when it comes to UA actually reducing food costs and provides a case study as an example of how important factors such as crop yields, food prices and inputs (such as irrigation water) can be realistically quantified and an estimate of overall diet cost can be optimized. He concludes by proposing methods to meet regional food needs.
  • An exploration by Laura Lengnick of food system vulnerability resulting from exposure of the system to specific climate effects, the sensitivity of the system to those effects, and the capacity of the system adapt to those effects in order to maintain system integrity.  Based on a synthesis of recent literature conducted to explore the vulnerability of the US food system to climate change, the author suggests that the interaction between regional climate change effects and the geographic specialization and concentration of agricultural production in the USA increases the vulnerability of the US food system to climate change.
  • A description by Brett Tolley of the innovative Fish Locally Collaborative (FLC), an international decentralized network of fishermen and their allies which is promoting a paradigm shift in strategies to prevent chronic overfishing and recurring stock collapse of favored commercial fisheries. The FLC’s importance to small- and medium-scale fishing operations and its strategies to support coastal fishing communities are discussed at length, including attention to achievements, challenges, and case studies that promote more sustainable and resilient fish resources.

​We invite all members and non-members to submit articles for the Journal. Contributions are welcome from any discipline or combination of disciplines, any vocation or professional affiliation, any national, ethnic or cultural background. Articles may relate to any historical and global setting. See the website for more details.

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Introducing AESS 2016 Conference Chair

James E. “Jim” McMahon

James E. “Jim” McMahon

Trained as a chemist/biophysicist, James E. “Jim” McMahon engaged in multi-disciplinary energy policy analysis for over 30 years at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He remains an Affiliate at LBNL and at the University of California, Berkeley, Energy Resources Group, where he advises faculty and students, and occasionally is a guest lecturer on energy and water efficiency, climate mitigation, and public policy. Jim is an active independent consultant in California, the USA and internationally, and is a regular contributor (author, program committee, and one-time co-chair) to such conferences as ACEEE (co-chair in 2000) and ECEEE Summer Studies on Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Behavior, Energy and Climate Change (BECC); Alliance to Save Energy’s (Energy Efficiency) EE Global; and Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL). In 2011-2014, he participated in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, Working Group 3 (Mitigation) as co-author of a new chapter Human Settlements, Spatial Planning, and Infrastructure.

“The greatest opportunities for innovation are at the boundaries between disciplines – the dynamic intertidal zones – where diverse partners can mutually learn from each other and collaborate on better approaches to sustainability.”

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Committee Volunteer Opportunities

AESS Committees

AESS programing is at an all-time high with new initiatives and further development of current activities. We invite you to explore our committees and see if one is of interest to you.

Consider the benefits of committee participation:

  • build up your curriculum vitae
  • network with members in your field and across the globe
  • learn about organizational management
  • become actively involved with the workings of AESS
  • give your ideas a place to grow

Once you’ve reviewed our committee descriptions and find a good fit for you, please email all interests and inquiries to AESS President Skip Laitner at

edited to add: our committee page has moved. Learn more about the committees here.

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Syllabus Databank

submitted by Dr. Leslie Gray, Santa Clara University, Associate Professor

We are reorganizing our AESS syllabus bank. [editor’s note: This is a members-only feature that requires users to login.] Please consider submitting a new syllabus or update one that was previously submitted.  We’re looking to expand our syllabi listings, so please consider the topics below or suggest other topics that might be of interest to our members!

Environmental Sciences (ecology, earth sciences, engineering, etc.)
Environmental Studies  (sociology, anthropology, etc)
Environmental Humanities (Art, literature, etc.)
Environmental Economics

Environmental Law
Environment and Business
If you have a syllabus, please send it to Leslie Gray with the heading “AESS Syllabus Bank.”
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