The Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, produced quarterly by the international publisher Springer Nature, is looking to publish a collection of articles about current environmental advocacy.  We invite you to submit a manuscript for consideration among these selected articles.  We encourage manuscripts focused on the research, teaching, or application of advocacy concerning

  • climate change

  • biodiversity conservation

  • energy transition

  • environmental justice

  • environmental education 

  • toxics pollution

Articles may be original research, commentary, book reviews, and case studies. Contributions are welcome from scholars, educators, policy practitioners, policy advocates and students. 

Please include on the title page “For the Symposium on Environmental Advocacy.”

Manuscripts are due by October 31, 2020.

Please submit your manuscript at the journal website, Read the “Submission Guidelines” and follow the instructions provided for new authors. 

If you’d like to send an abstract before submitting a manuscript, editors would be happy to give you feedback. Please email at the addresses below.

Clara Fang
Symposium Editor

Walter Rosenbaum
Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences