Nominations for the 2023 AESS Elections are open!

The AESS Nomination Committee is looking for enthusiastic and energetic AESS members to run for office next year. Nominations are due by March 20, 2023. SUBMIT FORM

Open positions beginning in 2023 will include:

  • (1) President-Elect (2023-2024), then President (2024-2025) & Past President (2025-2026)
  • (3) Board Member-At-Large (2023-2025)
  • (3) Nominations Committee Member-At-Large (2023-2025)


Serving in a professional organization is a great opportunity to build leadership skills, expand your professional network, and to help AESS grow and thrive.

Note that any nominees selected for the 2023 ballot will be asked to confirm or renew their AESS member status. Visit today to review your current membership status or become a new member!

Position descriptions including estimated time commitments are detailed on our elections webpage.  If you’re interested, please fill out and submit your self-nomination and candidate statement using this form. If you have questions, please contact Devin Judge-Lord, Nominations Chair via


The nominations committee is responsible for recruiting and nominating candidates for the elective offices of the Association. Nominations Committee. In identifying candidates for positions, the Nominations Committee seeks to assure the representation of the Association’s diversity of membership, in terms of age, gender, racial and ethnic background, substantive interest, field of work, type of employing institutions, and other considerations.