Purpose of the Branded Book Series (BBS):

To explore the intersection of natural science, law, policy and action, while informed by the social sciences, and highlight the power of interdisciplinary focus as opposed to traditional disciplinary silos. The series initial targets are energy and health.

Past AESS President Wil Burns will be the Editor-in-Chief. He will be supported by a Board of Senior Editors.

The first five members, including the Editor-in-Chief (EIC), are:

  • Wil Burns, School of International Service, American University, EIC
  • David Downie, Fairfield University, member
  • Tony Rosenbaum, University of Florida, member
  • David Sonnenfeld, State University of New York, member
  • William Winner, North Carolina State University, member

The full board will be expanded to nine members in the very near future, which will reflect ethnic and gender diversity along with discipline and topic diversity.

Look for more information about this exciting new AESS venture soon! Check out the BBS landing page for updated information.