Conference Committee
The Conference Committee is an ad-hoc committee that oversees the planning and execution of AESS’s annual meeting whether it is in-person or virtual. Sub-committees include Program, Site-Selection, and Events. The committee is staffed by a chair, AESS Managing Director and volunteers.
Conference Committee Members may be involved in one or more of the following:
- Identifying “areas of emphasis” or themes for the conference
- Reviewing presentation and workshop proposals
- Helping to build the conference schedule including assembling panels
- Assisting with on-site logistics
- Developing field trips and off-site experience opportunities
- Recruiting sponsors and exhibitors
- Recruiting volunteers for the conference
- Communicating with presenters
Timeline highlights:
- end of Nov: conference committee 1st meeting
- mid-Dec: open the call for proposals, discuss special programming
- end of Jan: close call, reviews begin
- Jan: plan/research field trips, recruit special programming speakers and source needs, begin outreach for sponsors/exhibitors
- Feb: cont outreach, determine program tracks
- Mar: notify proposal submitters, build session schedule
- Apr: open registration, recruit site volunteers
- May: announce AESS 20xx, close poster submissions window
- June: final logistics, execute event