AESS Statement on the US withdrawal from the Paris Accord

June 6, 2017

The Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) stands with the majority of the world in opposition to the United States government’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Climate change is one of the most pressing socio-ecological challenges that humans must tackle to ensure an equitable, just, and sustainable future for our planet. Without action, a warming and unpredictably changing climate will at best lead to uncertainty and, at worst, will be devastating for human and nonhuman communities and the systems they depend on for survival. Ethics oblige us to oppose such short-sighted decisions, especially because many communities most at risk contributed least to the problem yet will bear the greatest burdens associated with resource decline, sea level rise, and exacerbated conditions of poverty and conflict.

The AESS community is comprised of interdisciplinary collaborators who focus largely on complex socio-ecological issues. We are solutions-oriented and our collective strength is the ability to mobilize behind appropriate science, policy, and action to mitigate issues like climate change. We are eager to share our research with the public and elected officials–all of whom have the ability to effectuate change–and engage with the broader community through direct action and education. Please contact our members or board if you are interested in collaborating.