AESS is excited to announce the results of the 2019 elections. To read more about the elected, visit the election page. Newly elected officially take office following the close of the annual AESS conference.

Richard S. Groover
Reynolds Community College, Richmond VA
AESS Treasurer
Groover is the environmental committee chairperson, a Fellow of the Academy, and former treasurer of the Academy Board of Trustee member of the Science Museum of Virginia. Author of The Environmental Almanac of Virginia, second edition Member of the Governor’s Climate Commission (2014-2015). Founder of the Virginia Roundtable of Environmental Science Professors.

Laureen Elgert
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
AESS Board Member

Lissy Goralnik
Michigan State University
Department of Community Sustainability
AESS Board Member

Nirajan Dhakal
Assistant Professor of Environmental and Health Sciences Program
Spelman College
Nominations Committee

Sharon Moran
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Nominations Committee

William San Martin
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Humanities & Arts
Nominations Committee