AWARDS COMMITTEE This committee is responsible for organizing and implementing the Association’s efforts to recognize and honor those persons whose diverse efforts have enhanced the field of Environmental Studies and Sciences and/or contributed to the improvement of the environment. Members Katharine Owens (chair) Chair-Elect (open position)...
Conference Committee The Conference Committee is an ad-hoc committee that oversees the planning and execution of AESS’s annual meeting whether it is in-person or virtual. Sub-committees include Program, Site-Selection, and Events. The committee is staffed by a chair, AESS Managing Director and volunteers. Conference Committee Members may be involved in one or…...
The AESS Development Committee is an ad-hoc group who dedicates time to finding funding sources and leveraging opportunities for non-profit advancement. No experience is necessary to help out. Chair: Open...
Diversity Committee This committee shall work to engage a broader and more diverse community of environmental professionals by advocating for the inclusion of multiple voices that represent perspectives and expertise from various backgrounds and identities, including but not limited to: abilities, academic discipline, age, career, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity/expression,…...
Nominations Committee This committee is responsible for recruiting and nominating candidates for the elective offices of the Association. Nominations Committee. In identifying candidates for positions, the Nominations Committee seeks to assure the representation of the Association’s diversity of membership, in terms of age, gender, racial and ethnic background, substantive interest,…...
Membership Committee This committee has primary responsibility for informing potential members of the advantages of AESS membership and for expanding the membership base of the organization. The committee is expected to seek a reasonable balance between members whose original disciplines are in the biological and physical sciences, on the one…...
Professional Development
Professional Development Committee This committee is responsible for designing and managing professional development initiatives for the membership with the goal of empowering members to enhance their ESS career development and advance the field within their institutions. Typical initiatives include: Organizing workshops Promoting mentoring Developing resources for teaching, scholarship, and administration…...