[restabs alignment=”osc-tabs-left” responsive=”false” tabcolor=”#72c6a2″ tabheadcolor=”#000000″ seltabcolor=”#009f93″ seltabheadcolor=”#ffffff” contentcolor=”#e8d4c1″] [restab title=”What is AESS?” active=”active”] AESS serves the interdisciplinary environmental community. We invite you to learn about the programs your donation and membership supports.

Diversity and the Environment Webinar Series co-sponsored by Antioch University and AESS



Syllabus databank

Branded Books Series [/restab]

[restab title=”Join”]AESS is quickly becoming the leading interdisciplinary society in higher education for people working in the fields of environmental studies and environmental science. Take a tour of our webspace, and learn about our association. If you have questions about our association, contact the Managing Director support@aessonline.org. When you’re ready to join AESS, click here[/restab]

[restab title=”Member Events”]

Interested in attending the AESS Professional Development Committee’s 90-minute virtual discussion with your peers about the challenges that interdisciplinary environmental and sustainability programs are facing with the circumstances brought on by covid-19? Register below.

The following content is accessible for members only, please sign in.

[restab title=”For AESS Members” ]We invite you to share news of your publications, promotions and successes with AESS. AESS will share across our social media platforms. SUBMIT stories by filling out the form or emailing support@aessonline.org. note: To cut down on spam, forms will appear when members have signed into the website. The following content is accessible for members only, please sign in. [/restab]

[restab title=”AESS 2020 Conference”]AESS 2020 will be a virtual event. Visit aessconference.org for more details.[/restab][/restabs]

The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS) serves the faculty, students and staff of the 1000+ interdisciplinary environmental programs in North America and around the world. We seek to strengthen teaching, research and service in environmental studies and sciences, and to improve communication across boundaries that too often divide the traditional academic disciplines. The Association facilitates the professional development of Association members not just as individuals but also to advance Environmental Studies and Sciences as a whole.