The ESS Forum Listserv

The Environmental Studies and Sciences (ESS) Forum is a service of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS). The purpose of the Forum is to share information, facilitate respectful and inclusive dialogue, and build community amongst professionals and students engaged with environmental studies and sciences. 

Subscription to the Forum is open to anyone interested in ESS and does not require paid membership in AESS.  However, we encourage Forum subscribers to become AESS members.  

If at any time you have concerns or questions about the guidelines or any aspect of Forum activity, including potential violations of Forum guidelines, contact the Forum administrator team at  The Forum administrator team consists of the AESS Managing Director plus at least two members of the AESS Membership Committee.

Read FULL GUIDELINES for all policies and help to join/manage your ESS Forum subscription.

Join the Forum (formerly known as the listserv)
